Deep Brain Stimulation


Is a neurosurgical treatment utilizing a neurostimulator placed in the brain to deliver electrical signals to specific parts of the brain to help control unwanted movements. Some of the most common conditions that are treated with DBS are:

  1. Dystonia: e. g. Involuntary muscle contractions that occur during specific actions (for example, writing).
  2. Epilepsy: e.g. a staring spell, temporary confusion, loss of consciousness, and uncontrollable jerking movements of arms or legs.  
  3. Essential tremor: e.g. tremor that occurs during daily activities such as writing or drinking. 
  4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: e.g. checking things repeatedly, fear of germs or contamination, or having things symmetrical or in perfect order.
  5. Parkinson's disease: e.g. slowing down of movement, stiffness, abnormal walking. 

👉Let's see what it looks like the Deep Brain Stimulation Treatment from patients with these diseases and their experience:


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